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positionCurrent location:HOME > PRODUCTS > Insulation pipeline series >
Large diameter anti-corrosion bend pipe

Large diameter anti-corrosion bend pipe

Description: Large diameter anti-corrosion (based on actual reports) bend pipes are bent using a complete set of bending molds, which are divided into two processes: cold bending and hot pushing...

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Product Details

Large diameter anti-corrosion (based on actual reports) bend pipes are bent using a complete set of bending molds, which are divided into two processes: cold bending and hot pushing. Regardless of the type of machinery, equipment, and pipelines, most of them use bent pipes, mainly for oil, gas, infusion, and other purposes. The main production equipment for anti-corrosion (based on actual reports) pipe bending is the pipe bending machine, which can be roughly divided into CNC pipe bending machines, hydraulic pipe bending machines, etc. Large diameter anti-corrosion (based on actual reports) bending requires selecting different hot bending processes according to the functional requirements, pipe diameter and wall thickness size, hot bending equipment and control techniques, and developing appropriate hot bending process parameters in order to confirm the production of qualified bent pipes


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