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positionCurrent location:HOME > PRODUCTS > Insulation pipeline series >
Insulated elbow

Insulated elbow

Description: Thermal insulation elbow is one of the thermal insulation pipe fittings. It is composed of high-density polyethylene outer sleeve, polyurethane foam insulation layer and inner worki...

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Product Details

Thermal insulation elbow is one of the thermal insulation pipe fittings. It is composed of high-density polyethylene outer sleeve, polyurethane foam insulation layer and inner working steel pipe

The characteristics of insulated elbows are good insulation performance, strong waterproofing (based on actual reports) and corrosion resistance (based on actual reports), and can be directly buried in underground or water. The construction is simple and the speed is suitable, the overall cost is low, the service life is long, and the maintenance is convenient and the cost is low. Widely used in liquid and gas transportation pipelines, chemical pipeline insulation engineering, petroleum, chemical industry, central heating networks, intermediate air conditioning ventilation pipelines, municipal engineering, etc

The insulation elbow mainly follows the standards CJ/T200-2004 Technical Conditions for Prefabricated Directly Buried Steam Insulation Pipes for Urban Heating, CJ/T104-2005 Technical Specification for Directly Buried Steam Pipes for Urban Heating, SY/T114-2000, SY/T115-2001 High Density Polyethylene Polyurethane Foam Insulation Steel Pipes


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