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Butt welded elbow

Butt welded elbow

Description: Butt welding elbow is a steel hot pressed or forged elbow, and its connection form is to directly weld the elbow to the steel pipe....

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Product Details

Welding elbow is a steel hot pressed or forged elbow, which is directly welded to the steel pipe. The main manufacturing standards for welding elbow are generally GB/T12459, GB/T13401, ASMEB16.9, SH3408, SH3409, HG/T21635, HG/T21631, SY/T0510

Welding elbows generally include 45 degree elbows, 90 degree elbows, 180 degree elbows, etc., and the materials include carbon steel, alloy steel, and stainless steel

Usage of butt welded elbows:

Usually, butt welded elbows are welded on the pipeline construction site. This is because the welding standards for different types of pipelines are different, and on-site welding needs to be carried out according to the level of pipeline welds.

. There are welds on the welded elbow. After the welding construction operation is completed, the welded elbow needs to be treated with rust or corrosion prevention according to the actual situation or the external environment of the pipeline (based on the actual report) to avoid rusting or corrosion of the elbow at the weld seam, which may cause a short service life of the elbow


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