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Description: Hydraulic bulging of tees is a forming process that compensates for the axial expansion of branch pipes through metal materials. The process involves using a one-on-one hydraulic pr...

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Product Details

Hydraulic bulging of tees is a forming process that compensates for the axial expansion of branch pipes through metal materials. The process involves using a one-on-one hydraulic press to inject liquid into a pipe blank with the same diameter as the three-way pipe. The pipe blank is squeezed through synchronous centering motion of the two horizontal side cylinders of the hydraulic press. The volume of the pipe blank decreases after being squeezed, and the pressure inside the pipe blank increases as the volume of the pipe blank decreases. When the pressure required for the expansion of the three-way branch pipe is reached, Under the dual action of liquid pressure in the side cylinder and tube blank, the metal material flows along the inner cavity of the mold and expands out of the branch pipe

The hydraulic bulging process for tees can be formed in one go, resulting in high production efficiency; The main pipe and shoulder wall thickness of the tee have increased. Due to the large tonnage of equipment required for the hydraulic bulging process of seamless tees, it is mainly used in the manufacturing of standard wall thickness tees less than DN400 in China. Its suitable forming materials are low carbon steel, low alloy steel, stainless steel with relatively low cold work hardening tendency, including some non-ferrous metal materials such as copper, aluminum, titanium, etc


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