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Variable diameter elbow

Variable diameter elbow

Description: Variable diameter elbow refers to a standard produced elbow, while high-pressure elbow is a type of pipe fitting used for turning high-pressure pipelines at different angles....

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Product Details

Variable diameter elbow refers to a standard produced elbow, while high-pressure elbow is a type of pipe fitting used for turning high-pressure pipelines at different angles. Among all the fittings used in high-pressure pipeline systems, the proportion is large, about 80%. The wall thickness of high-pressure elbows is generally thicker than that of ordinary elbows, or the material's resistance to high pressure strength is higher than that of ordinary elbows. There are three methods: butt welding, socket welding, and threaded connection

High pressure elbows not only have good compressive strength, but also need to have other excellent characteristics in different pipeline systems. For example, in concrete conveying pipelines and mud conveying pipelines, high-pressure elbows should not only be able to withstand high pipeline pressure, but also have good performance. In the chemical raw material transportation pipeline system, high-pressure elbows not only have to withstand high pipeline pressure, but also have excellent corrosion and acid and alkali resistance

The material of high-pressure elbows is usually made of high-quality cast steel, carbon steel, stainless steel or alloy steel, which can withstand high pressure in various high-pressure pipelines and the corrosion of fluids in the pipeline


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