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Support and hanger support

Support and hanger support

Description: Characteristics and uses of support and hanger: It is a mechanical device designed according to the principle of torque balance. It can be used to suspend and support pipelines and ...

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Product Details

Characteristics and uses of support and hanger:

It is a mechanical device designed according to the principle of torque balance. It can be used to suspend and support pipelines and equipment. At this time, when pipelines or equipment are displaced, as long as they are within the pre-selected load displacement, no matter how large the displacement change is, they can always obtain a constant support force through a constant force spring bracket. So as not to bring new additional pressure to pipelines or equipment, it can avoid causing major equipment and safety accidents

In general, in important parts with significant thermal displacement, constant force spring supports and hangers should be considered. Due to this characteristic, constant force spring supports and hangers are increasingly widely used in thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, petroleum and chemical plants, and other thermal power devices


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