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What is the heat resistance performance of carbon steel flanges reflected in

Author:KERRY Time:2024-01-16 Click through rate:77

Carbon steel flanges have good heat resistance: when the working water temperature is 70 degrees, the softening temperature is 140 degrees

1. High impact resistance: Because the impact strength is significantly higher than other solid wall pipes, its ring stiffness is 1.3 times that of solid walls

2. Long service life: The pipe has a service life of over 50 years at the rated operating temperature and pressure, and is resistant to UV rays, which can cause the product to fade

3. Good corrosion resistance: Except for a few hydrogenating agents, this flange can withstand corrosion from various chemical media. It has excellent acid resistance, alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, and will not rust, corrode, breed, or electrochemically corrode

4. Good insulation performance: Due to the low thermal conductivity of the material, the thermal conductivity at 20 degrees Celsius is 0.21-0.24W/mk, which is much smaller than that of steel pipes (43-52W/mk) and purple steel pipes (333W/mk), so PP-R pipes have good insulation performance


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